The Team Replacing Fossil Fuels

Stephen Beaton, DPhil

Stephen did his undergraduate education at the U.S. Air Force Academy (BS Biochemistry), his doctorate at the University of Oxford (DPhil. Inorganic Chemistry), and is now pursuing an MBA at Stanford. Before the MBA program, Stephen worked as a scientist at the National Renewable Energy Lab, Air Force Research Lab, and the Pentagon on low-carbon fuel projects.


Ford McClure

Ford did his undergraduate education at the Northeastern (Mechanical Engineering) and has a background in leading engineering designs for cutting edge aerospace technologies.


Gaurav Kamat

Gaurav did his undergraduate education in Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Stanford University. His work has spanned heterogeneous catalysis, nanoparticle synthesis, and electrochemical production of hydrogen.


Terry Baggett

Terry did his undergraduate education at West Point (Chemical Engineering) and has a background in leading high performance teams. He is currently pursuing an MBA at Stanford Graduate School of Business.


Lee Tonkovich, PhD Chemical Engineering, has 32 years experience and 152 issued US patents. She was a cofounder of the Velocys microchannel reactor platform with expertise adapting reaction modeling to accelerate commercialization.


Anna Lee Tonkovich